
A store holds the whole state tree of your application.

To create a store, use createResourceStore.

Store Methods

Store Methods

getResources(resourceType, [filter], [options])

Retrieve resources from the state tree.


  1. resourceType (string): The type of resource to be retrieved.

  2. [filter] (Array|Object|function): A filter to apply to the resources. If it is omitted, then every

    resource of this type will be returned.

  3. [options] (Object): An object to customize the response. Presently, there is only one option:

    byId. Pass true to receive the resources as an Object keyed by their IDs rather than as an array.


(Array|Object): The resources that match the filter.


In this example, we return all of the books in the store.

const allBooks = store.getResources('books');

Return every book published in 1970:

const booksFrom1970 = store.getResources('books', {
  attributes: {
    publishYear: 1970,

Return every book without a publish year:

const booksFrom1970 = store.getResources(
  book => typeof book.publishYear === 'undefined'

To learn more about getResources, refer to the guide on Retrieving Resources.

getGroup(groupName, [options])

Retrieve a group from the state tree.


  1. groupName (string): The name of the group to be retrieved.

  2. [options] (Object): An object to customize the response. Presently, there is only one option:

    byId. Pass true to receive the resources as an Object keyed by ID rather than as an array.


(Array|Object): The resources contained in the group. If the group does not exist, then an empty array or object will be returned.


const selectedBooks = store.getGroup('selectedBooks', { byId: true });

To learn more about getGroup, refer to the guide on Retrieving Groups.

update([path], [changes], [options])

Create or update resources and groups within the state tree.


  1. [path] (string): An optional string that allows you to specify a path in the state tree

    you are updating. Passing this can allow you to type less code, as it allows you to "drill" into

    the state tree to update a specific resource or group.

  2. [changes] (Object): This allows you to further specify the sections of the state tree that you wish

    to update.

  3. [options] (Object): Configure the update. There are two options. The first is mergeResources, which

    determines whether or not existing resource data is merged with what you pass in. The default is true. The

    other option is concatGroups, which is false by default. Pass this as true, and existing groups will be

    concatenated with the groups that you pass in.




// In this example, we are using the changes argument to create or update the resource.
  resources: {
    books: {
      24: {
        attributes: {
          name: 'Lord of the Rings',
          publishYear: 1970,
        meta: {
          isSelected: true,

// In this example, we are using the path to create or update the resource. Note how paths
// allow us to clean things up, compared with the example above.
store.remove('resources.books.24', {
  attributes: {
    name: 'Lord of the Rings',
    publishYear: 1970,
  meta: {
    isSelected: true,

// Using `path` and `changes`, you can create or update multiple things in the state tree at the same time.
store.update('groups', {
  favoriteBooks: store.getResources('books', [20, 54, 120]),
  favoriteMovies: store.getResources('movies', [20, 54, 240]),

To learn more about store.update(), refer to the following guides:

remove([path], changes)

Remove things from the store. You can remove:

  • One or many resources from the store entirely

  • One or many groups from the store entirely

  • Specific resources from a group

  • Specific pieces of data from resources


  1. [path] (string): An optional string that allows you to specify a path in the state tree

    you are removing. Passing this can allow you to type less code, as it allows you to "drill" into

    the state tree to remove a specific resource or group.

  2. [changes] (object): This allows you to further specify the sections of the state tree that you wish

    to delete. Anything that is set to null within changes will be deleted from the state tree.




// In this example, we are using the changes argument to delete the resource.
  resources: {
    books: {
      24: null,

// In this example, we are using the path to delete the resource. Note how paths
// allow us to clean things up, compared with the example above.

// Using `path` and `changes`, you can delete multiple resources at a time.
store.remove('resources.books', [24, 100, 55]);

To learn more about the remove() method, refer to these guides:


Returns the entire state tree.


(Object): The current state tree of your application.


  • You should use getResources and getGroup instead of getState within your application.

    They are typically more convenient to use than getState. getState should be

    used for serializing your store in a universal app, or for persisting user state between



const store = createResourceStore();

// This will cause the console.log in the listener function to be called.
store.update('resources.books.24', {
  attributes: {
    name: 'Lord of the Rings',

// This will return the state with the book with ID of 24 within it


Subscribe to changes to the store.


  1. listener (Function). A function that will be called anytime that store.update()

    or store.remove() is called. The listener will be called whether or not the store

    was changed.


(Function): A function that unsubscribes the listener when called.


const store = createResourceStore();

const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {
    'The store was just updated. The new state is:',

// This will cause the console.log in the listener function to be called.
store.update('resources.books.24', {
  attributes: {
    name: 'Lord of the Rings',

// Later, we can remove our subscription.

Last updated