
Use store.remove() to delete resources.

Deleting a Single Resource

In this example, we delete the books resource with an ID of 24.


Deleting Every Resource of a Type

Should you ever need to delete every resource of a specific resource type, you can also do that using remove().


Deleting Multiple Resources at Once

You can use remove to delete more than one resource at a time. Here's an example that demonstrates deleting a handful of books, a pair of authors, and every movie:

store.remove('resources', {
  books: [24, 50, 22],
  authors: ['ab9ee', '8hx01'],
  movies: null,

Using update() to Delete a Resource

Passing null as a resource to store.update() will delete the resource.

store.update('resources.books.24', null);

You may choose to use one over the other when it makes sense as part of a bulk operation.

For instance, in the following call to store.update(), we are able to update the attributes of one resource while deleting another at the same time:

store.update('resources', {
  24: {
    attributes: {
      firstName: 'James',
  50: null,

Had we used remove() to delete the resource, we would have had to update the other resource in a separate call to update(), which is why in this situation it made more sense to use update to do both at the same time.

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